Oil Painting Step by Step AL38
Price: $14.99
Format: Paperback / softback
ISBN13: 9781560106586
Published: April 2003
This is a new book. Condition: Brand New.
Aspiring oil painters can take a journey with four accomplished oil artists as they follow along with step-by-step demonstrations that feature a variety of techniques and a range of subject matter. Artists of all skill levels will appreciate the appeal of each approach as they learn to paint tropical seascapes, pastoral landscapes, dynamic still lifes, captivating animal portraits, and more. Oil Painting Step by Step walks you through concepts and techniques including underpainting, composition, plein air, and special effects, assuring you a solid foundation in this wonderful art form.
Book details and technical specifications
Format: Paperback / softback
ISBN13: 9781560106586
Published: April 2003
Number of pages: 64
Width: 165 mm
Height: 242 mm
Depth: not specified
Publisher: Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc