Dregs by Jorn Lier Horst
Reviewed by Shirley Corley, Berkelouw Crime Book Club

For fans of Scandi Noir a new star is born. He is Norwegian crime writer Jorn Lier Horst. His sixth crime novel, brilliantly translated into English, has now been published in Australia. Due to the success of Dregs, two more novels will follow later this year. This beautifully structured novel offers word pictures of exceptional clarity, delivered with a minimum of obvious effort.
Using his real-life experience, Jorn has developed the likeable character of Chief Inspector William Wisting. In his personal life he suffers from procrastination, justified by his job priorities. But as C.I. he is persistent in his pursuit of the tiniest clue. His deductions and thought processes are laid bare, so you become a fellow-traveller during his investigations. His press conference management is a classic case study. Thinking on his feet, choosing the right words without revealing vital clues and evading questions without appearing to do so.
Dregs is so readable – that you can skim through it very easily. But if you do – you will miss so much. This book should be savoured!