Colonial and Indian Exhibition London 1886: Illustrated Handbook of Victoria Australia.

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This is a rare or used book from the Berkelouw Rare Books Department.
Melbourne: John Ferris (1886). Roy. 8vo. Orig presentation crimson morocco with gilt borders to front & rear covers (edges faded). Spine gilt and with raised bands. Inside dentelles. A.e.g. Mauve silk wove end-papers. (iv 108pp.). With fold. map and 74 full-page engrv. plates some of which are fold. Special presentation binding inscribed on verso of rear fly-leaf as follows: "Presented to Sir James McCullock (fifth premier of Victoria) with the Compliments of the Victoria Royal Commission (signed) J. Bosisto President and James Thomson Secretary Victoria Court 24th June 1886". Occasional light foxing otherwise a fine example of early Australian binding. Ferguson 17078.
Book details and technical specifications
Stock No.: 245497
Published: 1886
Number of pages: not specified
Width: not specified
Height: not specified
Depth: not specified
Publisher: not specified