Rare Numismatics Books
Displaying books 1 - 20 of 67 in total
James Cook: His Coins & Medals. Some contemporary numismatic aspects of the life and voyages of Captain James Cook.
Published: ab.1970
Stock No. 253990
$75.00 Online price
A View of the Silver Coin and Coinage of England From the Norman Conquest to the Present Time...bound with A View of the Gold Coin and Coinage of England From Henry The Third to the Present Time. Two Volumes in One.
Published: 1762
Stock No. 252909
$750.00 Online price
$100.00 Online price
$50.00 Online price
Gold and Paper. A History of The National Bank of Australasia Limited.
Published: 1958
Stock No. 250060
$65.00 Online price
$55.00 Online price
$75.00 Online price
$60.00 Online price
The Victoria Volunteer Long and Efficient Service Medal and the Volunteer Officers' Decoration. Being a Medal Roll of officers N.C.O's and Men of the State of Victoria Military Forces and the Naval Brigade who received these Medals and Decorations
Published: 1976
Stock No. 252442
$50.00 Online price
Proceedings of the South Australian Branch. Vols. 4 6-10 12-14 (9 vols. in 6).
Published: 1901-1913
Stock No. 239235
$500.00 Online price
The Coins and Tokens of the Possessions and Colonies of the British Empire.
Published: 1889
Stock No. 230828
$550.00 Online price
Nummi Britannici Historia; or An Historical Account of English Money from the Conquest to the uniting of the two Kingdoms by King James I and of Great-Britain to the Present Time.
Published: 1726
Stock No. 229624
$1,250.00 Online price
The Traveller's Manual of Conversation in English German French and Italian; Together with a copious Vocabulary and short questions in these languages; And Tables of the relative value of English German French and Dutch Coins.
Published: 1856
Stock No. 206944
$750.00 Online price
Regimental Badges worn in the British Army One Hundred years ago. ... The Regiments identified and notes bearing on their history added.
Published: 1970
Stock No. 203900
$50.00 Online price
Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata a Pompejo Magno ad Heraclium ab Adolfo Occone Olim Congesta. Augustorum Iconibus; perpetuis Historico-Chronologicis Notis pluribusque Additamentis jam illustrata.
Published: 1730
Stock No. 197751
$1,000.00 Online price