Maiden J H: Rare Books
Forestry Handbook. Part II: Some of the Principal Commercial Trees of New South Wales.
Published: 1917
Stock No. 229220
$65.00 Online price
Wattles and wattle-barks being hints on the conservation and cultivation of wattles together with particulars of their value.
Published: 1906
Stock No. 250172
$65.00 Online price
The Flowering Plants and Ferns of New South Wales with special reference to their economic value. Parts 1-7 (complete and all published).
Published: 1898
Stock No. 250626
$900.00 Online price
The Flowering Plants and Ferns of New South Wales with special reference to their economic value. Parts 1-7 (complete and all published).
Published: 1898
Stock No. 195271
$1,250.00 Online price
Illustrations of New South Wales plants (not previously depicted). Parts I-II only of 3.
Published: 1907-1908
Stock No. 195276
$200.00 Online price
The Flowering Plants and Ferns of New South Wales with especial reference to their economic value. Pts. 1-7 (complete and all published).
Published: 1895-1898
Stock No. 195416
$1,250.00 Online price
The Forest Flora of New South Wales. Vols.1-6 (comprising Pts.1-60).
Published: 1917
Stock No. 212617
$500.00 Online price
Native Flora of New South Wales. Photographed from selected specimens. Brief botanical description of each specimen.
Published: 1911
Stock No. 224392
$100.00 Online price
Proceedings of the Geographical Society of Australasia New South Wales and Victorian Branches Vol. II.
Published: 1885
Stock No. 231512
$175.00 Online price
The Forest Flora of New South Wales. Vols. 1-8 (Comprising Parts 1-75).
Published: 1923
Stock No. 250072
$1,500.00 Online price
$350.00 Online price